We host community story circles (in-person and virtually) to provide space for people to cultivate community and explore social issues through their own lives.
We occasionally host story circles that are open to all. (Upcoming dates and registration information will be posted to this page when relevant.) We also work with organizations and groups to host story circles for their members. Contact us for more information and rates if you are interested in hosting one.
About Story Circles
The purpose of a story circle is to build or strengthen a sense of community within a group, to examine differences, and / or to explore social challenges through our own lives. During a story circle, a small group of people gather to each share a personal story about a specific topic or theme. In a story circle, there is no audience; everyone shares, and everyone listens with complete attention. Once everyone has told their story, participants comment on the strengths and power they see in others’ stories and draw connections between others’ stories and their own. They are a powerful tool for seeing others and for being seen. Story circles have a rich history – from Indigenous communities who used them to draw out communal experiences and make decisions for the good of the community to the Free Southern Theater that used story circles during the Civil Rights Movement to open dialogue around the topic of race and create theater pieces to reflect those stories back to larger communities.